+HEADER CORREL GSI DATABASE 20OCT24XK SESSNAME Q20298 OBSTIME 2020/10/24 UTSTART 0730 DURATION 1 DOY 298 CORRTIME 2020/10/24 CORRPASS 1 EXPORT DONE +SUMMARY Qcode % of Total % of Correlated scans scans 5-9 91.3 % - 0 8.7 % - 4-1,D,G,N 0.0 % - Removed - +CORRELATOR_NOTES The SR1U fringes were not detected some scans. Channel flagged for fringe fitting. Scan 298-0735: FQ = 0 on S-band, source 1842+681 Scan 298-0748: FQ = 0 on X/S-band, source 0544+273 Scan 298-0757: FQ = 0 on S-band, source 1842+681 Scan 298-0812: FQ = 0 on X/S-band, source 0642+449 Scan 298-0820: FQ = 0 on S-band, source 1842+681 Scan 298-0824: FQ = 0 on S-band, source 0544+273 Scan 298-0826: FQ = 0 on S-band, source 0418+532 There were good integration time but low SNR. +STATION_NOTES WETTZELL(V-Wz): The SR1U fringes in following scans were not detected by RFI. (298-0746 to 298-0754 and 298-0817 to 298-0829) Transfer rate: 450 Mbit/s (Tsunami UDP protocol) MK-VLBA (M-Mk): OK. +MANUAL_PCAL +CHANNELS XR1U = band|polarization|channel#|sideband XR1U BBC01 8365.75 XR2U BBC02 8445.75 XR3U BBC03 8805.75 XR4U BBC04 8925.75 SR1U BBC05 2232.75 SR2U BBC06 2262.75 SR3U BBC07 2372.75 SR4U BBC08 2392.75 +DROP_CHANNELS Wz SR1U Mk +CLOCKS Clocks: GSI Station fmout-gps used rate Comments [usec] [usec] [sec/sec] Wz -5.24 -2.61 0.00 reference Mk - -12.46 0.00 Date: 2020/10/24 +QCODES Qcodes 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 D G N - Tot ---------------------------------------- VM:X 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 42 0 0 0 0 52 VM:S 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 45 0 0 0 0 52 ---------------------------------------- Totals 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 87 0 0 0 0 104 Legend: QC = 0 : Fringes not detected. = 1-9 : Fringes detected. no error condition. Higher #, better quality. = D : No data in one or more frequency channels. = G : Fringe amp in a channel is <.5 times mean amp (only if SNR>20). = N : No valid correlator data. = - : Not scanned. = Tot : Total number of scans in schedule. +SNR_RATIOS MEAN RATIOS = Observed SNR / Predicted SNR for exp no. 1946 bl X n S n VM 0.90 50 0.74 45 +PCAL_INFORMATION if baseline VM if f_group X pc_mode normal ref_freq 8365.75 pc_freqs XR1U-XR4U 1250 1250 1250 1250 if f_group S pc_mode normal ref_freq 2232.75 pc_freqs SR1U-SR4U 1250 1250 1250 1250 * +END -------------------------------- Tetsuya, HARA Geospatial Information Authority of Japan / AES Co.,Ltd. hara-t96xs@mlit.go.jp